Here at FWC, we have been blessed to have strong anointed "voices" speak into the life and fabric of the church and us individually for many years. This coming weekend will be no exception; we want YOU to join us! We are anticipating GREAT things as we are blessed by the ministry of Bro. & Sis. Steve Buxton.

CANCELLED - October 1st at 10:30 AM
"Ladies Gathering" - FWC Dining Hall with Special Guest, Sis. D. Buxton. Looking forward to a time of fellowship and inspiration, we will be serving coffee, donuts, & muffins.
Weekend Services
Saturday night service (CANCELLED) - However, services on Sunday, Bro. Buxton will be ministering! Come ready to worship with a heart and mind prepared to receive what Word of God.
It's going to be a POWERFUL weekend! We hope you can join us!